Manually invoking ingestion from an AWS S3 bucket
Ingestion of robolog metadata can either be triggered manually by POST request to our /api/ingest/v1/trigger
endpoint, or automatically by registering your bucket with us as outlined in Automating Ingestion. While our recommendation
is for you to create a workflow that enables automatic ingestion, it is important that you also know how to manually trigger ingestion.
Step 1. Determine the robolog type
Model-Prime currently supports ingestion of ROS 2 metadata .yaml
and .mcap
files (ROSBag2
) and ROS 1 .bag
files (ROSBag1
Step 2. Determine the file location for the metadata.
For manual ingestion to work, you will need to make a POST request to our /api/ingest/v1/trigger
endpoint with the following information:
- The AWS Account ID for the owner of the bucket
- The log type
- The location of the metadata file to be ingested
For this example, we will assume you have an AWS account ID of 123456789000
and you want to ingest metadata of
the type ROSBag2
from a bucket named modelprime.example.bucket
where the metadata is located at
Step 3. Trigger the ingest manually
In the Model-Prime web app, navigate to the Ingest Dashboard. Click on the widget that says "Manually ingest a robolog from AWS S3."